As the NFL mulls disciplinary action against New England for Sunday’s videotape hijinx, an outraged Steve Serby of the New York Post submits the Hooded Casanova’s plaque in Canton should someday read, “some considered him the Vince Lombardi of his era. Others considered him the Richard Nixon of his era.

Question: What is the proper punishment?

Allow me to play NFL Commissioner for a day.

I say the impending loss of a high draft choice, another pick and a prohibitive club fine doesn™t go far enough.

I would explore several options:

Play the game over. The Patriots didn™t beat the Jets fair and square. In other words, the Jets wuz robbed. This strikes at the integrity of the games.

The bye week for the Pats and Jets falls on Nov. 11. The Giants host the Cowboys that day. So I would schedule Jets-Pats for Nov. 10 – six days after Pats-Colts in Indianapolis. The loss of their bye week, however, would be blatantly unfair to the Jets, and undoubtedly not tolerated by the union.

* Let Belichick wrestle Eric Mangini in a winner-take all in the Weeb Ewbank Hall parking lot, but check carefully under Belichick™s hoodie before the start.

* Switch Jets-Patriots in New England Dec. 16 from Foxboro to Giants Stadium. You heard me right. A ninth home game for the Jets, and a loss of revenue for the Pats (the precedent is there; Katrina moved Saints-Giants to Giants Stadium, remember?)

We™re in luck here because the Giants host the Redskins at 8:15 that night. A 1 p.m. start would give the grounds crew time to tidy up the field as best it can. If that™s not feasible, schedule the game for Dec. 15.

* If the Patriots refuse, they forfeit the game.

I’m not sure Mr. Loser is going nearly far enough. Why not have the league hand over New England’s 3 Super Bowl trophies, the negoiating rights to Bridget Moynihan’s kid and a big bag of Fred Smerlas’ pubic hair while we’re at it?