The Toronto Sun reports that TNT hoops analyst Shaquille O’Neal can celebrate the dismissal of a defamation lawsuit filed by a Michigan man who found himself the target of the 4-time NBA champ’s sophisticated sense of humor :

O’Neil  was slapped with legal papers last summer after allegedly mocking Jahmel Binion, who suffers from genetic disorder hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, on social media by making disparaging comments about his looks in a ’selfie’ he had posted online, which depicted the male with facial deformities, patchy hair growth and missing teeth, which are all symptoms of his rare condition.

O’Neal subsequently apologized to Binion after learning of his health woes, but it wasn’t enough and the disgruntled male demanded damages of $25,000.

However, the sports icon hit back, insisting there was nothing defamatory about his post as he only shared the image with the caption, “Smile today”. He also shot down Binion’s invasion of privacy claim because the picture was made public when he posted it on social media.

The case recently went before a Michigan judge, who chastised O’Neal for his “highly offensive” actions, but declined to take the suit any further as the defendant has no ties to the stat