Former Portsmouth striker / Uruguay international Dario Silva’s right leg has been amputated after a car wreck Monday. From the Guardian.

The 33-year-old, who left Pompey in February, lost control while driving his pick-up truck in Montevideo yesterday and hit a lamppost. He was placed in a medically induced coma.

Doctor Mario Canela, of the La Española hospital in the capital, said the emergency surgery was “to amputate the leg from the knee down”. He added: “Silva’s situation is not solved with the amputation. We are worried about a possible infection.”

Joe Thiessman is expected to vouch for Silva’s toughness later today on a segment during “The Dan Patrick Show”.

MLS has signed a new 8 year rights deal with Univision. Hopefully, terms of the deal will preclude The Click Five from participating in a league All-Star Gala ever again.