(not that Andrea)
Despite the mostly succesful attempts to turn once seedy Times Square into a family friendly mecca of bland commercial activity, the NYC landmark can still be a scary place for a kid. Not only did innocent eyes have to contend with Spoon’s “Sister Jack” video being shown yesterday on the Jumbotron atop the newly opened Nokia Live, but the Daily News reports on another harrowing incident in the same neighborhood.
A Times Square movie theater laid an egg at a showing of “Chicken Little” last night.
Adults and kids expecting to watch Disney’s G-rated animated flick at the AMC Empire 25 theater on 42nd St. were instead presented with a foreign film that opened with a young man committing suicide.
“It’s pandemonium,” Joshua Gallo, 30, told the Daily News as he rushed out of the theater with his 5-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter. “The kids are crying. The mothers are screaming for the managers to stop the film.”
Terrified children didn’t know what to do as they watched a young boy hang himself from a tree at the 8:45 p.m. screening.
After five minutes, “Andrea,” a Spanish drama opening today, was turned off and “Chicken Little” was played.
Patrons got a coupon for a free movie.
A similar thing occured when I went to a 42nd Street screening of “Stargate” many years ago, except there were no children in the theatre and I’m pretty certain they were showing the correct film.