(Bob, shown at Austin’s Antones this past Thursday night)

Deadspin’s Will Leitch really has a grudge or two against those Applebee’s Guys, which from this perspective, seems a bit like a vendetta. Were the duo any hoakier or more manufactured than Will’s beloved Nirvana? Either way, in a manner similar to how cloying tunes about shrimp were hammered into our skulls through 2006’s NCAA hoops tournament, it would appear as though Bob Mould’s “See A Little Light” is providing the soundtrack to this March’s festivities.

This of course, is hardly Bob’s first (or second) crossover into the cultural zeitgeist. Each time the theme music to “The Daily Show” is played…someone presumes Bob is paid far more money than he actually receives.

(Bob’s new LP/CD, District Line, is out now on Anti)