(maybe if the gentleman above had better contacts in the modeling community, he wouldn’t be totally washed up?)

Jay Mariotti’s Twitter account lasted less than 3 weeks — slightly longer than his tenure as an internet journalist, then — and we’re left to wonder whether the disgraced columnist was depressed over his low number of followers (still more than me, btw) or simply concluded it would be a good idea to keep a lower profile for a bit (being a pariah and all). Sports By Brooks is pretty sure it’s the former :

I always wondered what would happen to a media *celebrity* like Mariotti if he suddenly didn™t have a broadcast monolith to prop him up. Forced instead to live and work like so many of us .. in an actual meritocracy.

We have our answer.

Unless you have the power of a captive, national television audience every single day, your number of actually reactive Twitter followers is a function of the entertainment value you bring to the community.

Weirdly enough, I’ve always wondered what would happen to an ambulance chaser like Brooks if his site hadn’t been propped up by predictable T&A content.