How did the NBA’s leading lights manage to feud before the advent of Twitter? Imagine what Tim Thomas could’ve accomplished had said social networking platform existed in his prime? With the Bucks visiting the Bulls tonight, the Chicago Sun-Times’ Joe Cowley quotes from the burgeoning pissing matching between Joakim Noah (above, right) and Drew Gooden :
It started on Sunday, when Gooden tweeted out “Just made it to Chicago. Bulls tomorrow payback’s a b—-.’’
Noah then fired back: “Quit clownin and eat your food goodybagz.’’
Then it was Gooden’s turn, as he tweeted to Noah, “Heard you eating @PGChangs tonight. Don’t get the chopsticks tangled in your wig.’’
“What’s the story behind that? He wants a Twitter war so I gave him a Twitter war,’’ Noah explained after afternoon shoot-around on Monday.
Then he let the cat out of the bag.
“Nah, I love that guy, man. That’s my guy,’’ Noah said of Gooden, who has been inactive anyway. “That’s my best friend, man. Yeah, my best friend.’’