As any degenerate with a broadband connection can testify, high-speed connections have brought incredible advancements to the ways we watch sports on the internet. Multi-camera shoots, clearly visible scores and stats, near-TV quality video, people in other countries get to hear Fran Healy, etc.

Today’s Yahoo Sports webcast of the University of San Francisco / Sacramento State game featured none of those things. There seems to be a thin film of phlegm covering the sole lens capturing the action. The otherwise acceptable play-by-play, culled from Quake 940 AM, is running some 10-15 seconds behind the video feed. As such, it’s been a difficult afternoon following the exploits of the Dons’ Alan Wiggins Jr. (above) , son of the late Padres 2B/OH/DH Alan Wiggins.

No. 2 Texas are having a rather easy time of it thus far, leading Louisana Monroe, 43-29 at halftime. LaMarcus Alrdrige has 11 points for Texas, as does junior P.J. Tucker. Texas’ December 10 clash at the Meadowlands with Duke could well be one of the earlier No. 1 vs. No. 2 matchups, but as long as there’s plenty of prayer space for all faiths, that’s all I’m really concerned about.