(funnier than watching Adrian Beltre or Richie Sexson strike out. But just barely)

Despite allowing 4 runs and 10 hits over 6 innings last night at Safeco Park, Wevie Stonder II picked up the win for the AL West-leading Angels in their 5-4 defeat of Seattle, the Mariners’ 4 consecutive loss.  18 games under .500 with the majors’ worst record, at least no one can accuse John McLaren’s squad of being uptight.  From the Associated Press :

Team president Chuck Armstrong berated members of the coaching staff Wednesday morning, hours before the imploding Mariners got swept out of a three-game series against the same Los Angeles Angels they expected to unseat for the AL West title.

After the game, manager John McLaren discarded all decorum.

“I’m tired of (expletive) losing! I’m tired of getting my ass beat, and so are those guys!” McLaren shouted, jabbing his finger toward the clubhouse at the beginning of an expletive-laced tirade that emphasized his team is trying hard but not performing as it should.

McLaren then stomped off into his office and closed the door.

“He could have said that a month ago,” GM Bill Bavasi said later.

“People want to see some results. They’ve had it. And rightfully so,” McLaren said.

“Anybody that’s happy in our clubhouse, there’s something wrong with him. … We bragged about how good we were. … We need to pick it up now. I can’t make it any clearer than that.”

As McLaren spoke in his office, a handful of players were lounging on couches in the middle of the clubhouse enjoying the movie “Super Troopers,” a 2001 comedy about misfit prankster state troopers.