Congrats to former TSOL vocalist Jack Grisham on proving there are second acts in American Life ; Grisham has successfully segued from a career fronting one of the 20th century’s worst bands into a lucrative new career as a hypnotherapist. Incidentally, you can’t spell “hypnotherapist” without “the rapist” (link courtesy Don Smith)
How can you call TSOL one of the past century’s worst bands? They mastered so many subgenres of rock! Okay, maybe they stuck with candy-metal a bit too long. Still, I think you’ve failed to grasp their mammoth contribution to hardcore.
Irony aside, I loved TSOL in high school and couldn’t believe how horrible they became. Failed attempts at selling out are not just detestable, they’re somehow sad. Urge Overkill, another wayward favorite, comes to mind…
It’s California, though: you gotta hand it to people who can reinvent themselves over and over and over.
Question: “TSOL Are Sissies” is by the Meatmen; who’s worse?
TSOL. By several hundred miles. I can produce any chart or graph you need.