Taylor Campione and Kelsi Culpepper recently attended a Twins game against the Angels at Minneapolis, MN’s Target Field, during which they were reprimanded by stadium security for kissing. Each other. On the mouth. On their lady-person mouths.

The security guard in question allegedly cited The Ten Commandments while chastising the couple, and if nothing else, it’s good to know the Twins are finally taking a stand against dishonoring the Sabbath and will hopefully show some consistency by cancelling all Sunday home games. In addition. Target Field patrons should consider themselves fully informed that coveting their neighbor’s ox is no longer permitted (and perhaps this will someday be a pretext for voiding Carl Pavano’s contract).

Sadly for the Twins, the above incident was reported by City Pages just one day after the club announced they’d be joining the Giants and Mariners in making a video for It Gets Better. As for what exactly “gets better” in the environment fostered at Target Field, remains to be seen. Teens hounded into suicide can’t get much consolation knowing adulthood promises casual discrimination rather than blatant bullying.