To regurgitate a line I used earlier this month….Q : What do Billy Beane and Mark Cuban have in common?  A: Cuban’s shit doesn’t work in the playoffs, either.  And on the morning after another Mavericks postseason exit finds Dallas owner Cuban issuing something less than a Steinbrenner-esque apology, he’s also taking up the fight against interweb cruelty,  announcing “if you haven’t noticed, there are now 2 Twitters.”

The first Twitter operates just as its founders intended. Its a great broadcast medium for quickly distributing quick hits of information and/or links. Its a great source of real-time information that travels with you on any device.  Its the ultimate enabler of œif information is important to me, it will find me.   On all levels, this version of Twitter is succeeding for its users.

The second Twitter is not so pleasant. This version of Twitter is the home for hate and ridicule.  It™s where everyone and anyone can quickly create an account and spew whatever venom they choose directly at the target of their derision.  Lisa Rinna recently got into it with a follower who criticized her appearance.  My timeline is filled with people with 1 or 2 followers who apparently set up an account purely to curse or condemn me and others.  It takes the fun and return out of Twitter when you look at the tweets  people send you and its full of people hoping you are in a car accident , get knifed or just plain cursing you.

Yes, how dare a member of the lowly public abuse a serious artist like Lisa Rinna, whose contributions to society and culture have absolutely nothing to do with her physical attributes?  Who are these cowardly nutjobs who don’t understand that Twitter is supposed to be a one-way conduit between celebrities and the people who blindly worship them?

For the record, I don’t hope Mark Cuban has a car accident. But I would hope he’d manage to not take the Twitter lingo “follower” so literally.  Though the service does allow a user to block followers for any reason whatsoever, outside of virtual life, you can’t actually cherrypick whoever is paying attention.