Aside from scoffing at Greg Ostertag’s reported comeback attempt (“I heard a story from a trainer in Cleveland that he worked out with them in the summer and left. He said, ˜I™ve got to go to the bathroom,™ and never came back”), journeyman benchwarmer Scott Pollard tells the Lawrence Journal-World’s Gary Bedore that an exhibition appearance against Vlade Divac’s Traveling All-Stars does not portend a return to the NBA.

œI will not hold a press conference to say I™m retired, said Pollard, who has been out of basketball since playing for the 2008 world champion Boston Celtics. œ(But) the fact I didn™t hear from more than a couple teams last year … I don™t think it™ll happen this year.

Pollard will be one of just two recognizable names (former Michigan State guard Mateen Cleaves the other) on the Midwest All-Star team that will meet the Serbian Club Partizan squad on Sept. 27 at Purdue-Calumet University in Hammond, Ind., and again on Sept. 30 at Dakota High in Macomb, Mich.

œThis is strictly something where Vlade asked me to participate. There are no former NBA players besides Mateen. It adds a little luster to the team. I™m in good enough shape to play 15 minutes. I know I can play 15 minutes in my sleep, Pollard said.

Pollard said he™d be making a trip to Los Angeles in coming weeks for negotiations that involve, œbeing in front of the camera.