The Boston Herald’s John Tomase
raises a question no one wants to answer : Is the Hooded Casanova in the last days of his New England pact, and when (rather than if) will the Patriots announce an extension?

Asked yesterday after he walked off the podium from his daily press briefing if this is indeed the final year of that contract, Belichick declined comment.

œThe press conference is over, he said. œWe™re done.

Tomase shouldn’t take it personally. Bill says the same thing to housewives from New Jersey when they ask if he’ll call them later.

Boston Sports Media’s Bruce Allen
supplies the following quote from longtime Belichick basher, Ron Borges, as heard on FSN’s “Four Downs With (Michael) Felger”, Thursday night.

Michael Felger: (Talking about the many coaches that are rumored to have their jobs in danger) Do we have to worry about Bill Belichick on any of these lists?

Ron Borges: Yeah. I think, I mean, he has been connected several times with people I know to Houston, that they may do something there. They’re getting tired of losing, they brought in a new coach, they’re losing again, and you know, there’s tons of money there…

Felger: Bill Belichick in Houston – are you serious?

Borges: Well, with a dynamic personality like that he’d fit right in with a cowboy hat and everything.