• Manny’s reception, first AB since returning to Fenway ; mixed cheers/boos, fly out to CF http://yfrog.com/5pi5xj #
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im_MpY_aCkI Rooney’s furious with boo birds. Frustrated #eng supporter responds #worldcup #
  • Davis single, RBI, Wright scores, diving past Cervelli. #Mets 1, #Yankees 0, top of the first #
  • fan gatecrashes England locker room. Capello says, “ever played striker?” http://alturl.com/rdzz #eng #worldcup #
  • The Wire / Toy Story mashup. Having not seen the latter, I am assuming that’s what it looked like, right? http://youtu.be/D0RNhQaxUyw #
  • sorry, maybe @pgammo meant “the monstrous liar seats” #
  • way to take the heat off Manny, Rocket RT @AmyKNelson @pgammo said that R. Clemens will be at Fenway tonight sitting in the monster seats #
  • RT @faketonybrummel What’s the difference between me and BP exec Carl-Henric Svanberg? I couldn’t give a SHIT about the small people. #
  • wanted : Black Metal guitarist http://youtu.be/vKGFb8j009M #
  • Craig Carton, accused of ….discourtesy http://bit.ly/ctE88F #
  • Apple announces FInd My iPhone app for the iPhone. (seriously) Not nearly as effective for those with only one iPhone #
  • I’m sure the NBA is very grateful A.I. ‘s manager waited until the finals were over to make a comeback announcement http://alturl.com/8unp #
  • Vuvuzela Hero http://www.boingboing.net/2010/06/17/vuvuzela-hero.html #
  • Marciano biographer/CIA agent/David Wright stalker charged w/ DUI http://alturl.com/jwcc #
  • NBA security prevented Rasheed Wallace from saying g’bye to Danny Crawford, Joe Crawford. No feelings. http://alturl.com/uhhm #
  • hate to pick on children, but someone really insane is dressing Kobe & Artest’s kids #
  • Calls are blown in every sport. FIFA no more inept than MLB/NFL/NBA
    http://twitter.com/JPosnanski/status/16480307508 #
  • Koman Coulibaly’s wiki page. further vandalism to follow, I reckon http://tweetphoto.com/27838188 #
  • the ‘net has rendered Mushnick redundant ; in Friday’s column, he’s bitching about “the sound of 1,000 vuvuzelas” #worldcup #
  • Kareem, possibly thinking of jazz records he lost in a fire http://alturl.com/98u6 (nice work @JerodMSF) #
  • Jim Joyce references are by far outnumbering those to “one is not amused” #svn 2, #usa 2 (FT) #worldcup #
  • cue up the Jim Joyce jokes. #USA #039;s 3rd goal nullified. #
  • Michael Bradley buries one, gets buried by teammates. (82nd minute) #SVN 2, #USA 2 happy (early) father’s day, Bob. #
  • great minds think alike. RT @kristinirene: Someone had to have commented on the Charlie Brown-ness of the Slovenia jerseys….right? #
  • Paul Lo Duca read this story, promptly volunteered to become a high school bullpen catcher http://alturl.com/a7ec #

  • doesn’t matter if Jay Z has more money than God. At the end of the day, hip hop is held to a v. different standard http://alturl.com/i8zr #
  • David Pinto notes the DFA of Renyel Pinto. Pinto’s gotta stick together. http://bit.ly/9Dah18 #
  • Robbie Findley, yellow card for a face ball. #svn 1, #USA 0, #worldcup #
  • just glad Charles M. Schulz isn’t alive to see how badly #svn have ripped him off #worldcup #
  • Dunno if KG is up early today, but if so, at least he knows he’s been a strong infl. on Clint Dempsey. #svn #USA #worldcup #
  • i know, i know. Morrison has TWO rings now, just just one. Clearly, Adam was immune to that EA Sports covermodel jinx #
  • I nominate Mike Pelfrey! RT @GLi23: Whoever is w/ a Kardashian wins a title. First Reggie Bush, now Lamar Odom. Who’s got dibs on Kourtney? #
  • RT @THE_REAL_SHAQ: @THE_REAL_SHAQ Congratulations Kobe, u deserve it. I know what ur sayin “Shaq how my ass taste” #
  • When they kick at your front door (don’t tell Sepp) http://yfrog.com/j9xbfdj #worldcup #atx #
  • Yr never as good looking as when you’re saying nice things bout me RT @IanAnthonyG Shout out to @cstbtweet – a good follow and a great blog. #
  • Thus killing all goodwill from the Tru Warier interview. RT @HowardBeckNYT Anthony Kiedis and Flea are in the press conference. #
  • RT @benschwartzy Congrats to Jack Nicholson and his Lakers. Not enough shit goes his way. #
  • RT @mredonkulous: Is someone going to ask Shaq how Kobe’s ass tastes? I for one will not. #
  • Love the fake D’Antoni tweets but imagine how insane they’d have been if N8 was a winner tonight #
  • Greg Popovich will be pleased to note Commissioner Stern is calling LA, “NBA Champions”, as opposed to “World Champions” #
  • if Ron Artest’s psychiatrist doesn’t get a ring from Jerry Buss, I hope he (or she) can raise his rates #
  • Mike Breen : (Artest) “is not a perfect person”. No, but he’s never been in trouble in Eagle County, either #
  • Ron Ron, first title winner in a major US sport to thank his shrink moments after a championship. And then plug his new single. #
  • I think we can fairly say that anything is NOT possible. #
  • Rondo missses from the corner. That’s all folks. Phil has ring # 48 or so. Kobe has two rings post-Shaq. Adam Morrison is a world champ #
  • paging Larry Johnson (sorry, I used that one just a few weeks ago) #
  • Machine hits a pair, celebrates like he earned it. Lakers by 4 with 11.7 left #
  • nice moment for Rondo to turn up #
  • now would be a good time to let N8 shoot from wherever (half kiddin’) #
  • RT @kristinirene: Artest needs to be traded so I can like him for being crazy again. Wasting hilarity on a very fucking unfunny org #
  • massive rebound by Gasol on Bryant’s missed 3-pointer. Pau’s owned the 4th qtr #
  • Shuttlesworth – it’s raining 3’s now #
  • Artest reponds – LA by 6 #
  • ‘Sheed buries a 3, LA by 3 #
  • Gasol’s block of Pierce – felt like a foul in real time, looked clean on the replay. That could’ve been the end #
  • C’s – lumbering, deliberate, ACHING. #
  • ‘Sheed misses from 4 feet. Super grim #
  • no sooner does Mark Jackson hail the LA D, KG is left wide open down low #
  • sorry to harp on it but a Game 7 this brutal does more harm to the NBA than the Auburn Hills brawl , Tim Donaghy or a new Straight Shot CD #
  • this game is an aesthetic atrocity. but if it means bad box office for Grown Ups, it was worth it. #
  • Clemens volunteers to pitch BP, sign autographs at Texas League (AA)ASG. Rocket figures no one reads in Midland, TX http://alturl.com/if7t #
  • Pirates gave GM Huntington and mgr. Russell one year extensions last October, neglected to tell media. http://alturl.com/bncq #
  • Stu Scott : “this game is bananas”. Because you can’t say “that fuckin’ sucked” on ABC #
  • you know what they say about the NBA – it’s only worth watching during the regular season. #
  • unfollowing @thatsean from ATX ESPN station. the constant shilling for Orangebloods.com subscriptions is just too fucking annoying. #
  • who knows the names of these celeb kids? (other than JVG) RT @jonahkeri: Biggest storyline of the half: Violet Affleck, coming of age. #
  • JVG claims to have tracked the development of Jennifer Garner’s kid through “US and People Magazine”. Breen : “this is very disconcerting”. #
  • Hafner goes fishing, K-Rod gets the save. Mets 6, Tribe 4. 7 consecutive wins (6 on the road), 11 of 12, 10 GAMES OVER .500 #
  • smart editing on the part of the studio / ad co. RT @dontbeabrick Has Rob Schneider said anything in these Grown Ups/basketball things? #
  • Ronnie calls the pitch that K’d Carlos Santana “the hardest fastball I’ve seen from Rodriguez” this year. t’was impressive #