• ONLY (IKE) DAVIS CAN SAVE US. RBI single driving in Reyes, Mets 3, Padres 0, btm 3rd #
  • my error – Tejada hit into the triple play, not J. Feliciano. Very hard to tweet and drive a schoolbus at the same time. #
  • Cohen : “last Padres triple play was in ’97; Alan Ashby to Chris Gomez to Archi Cianfrocco” Mex : “I remember it well”. #
  • cause for celebration X 2 RT @HunxandhisPunx
    Tested negative for STDs today and got a facial that felt like a cat licking my face #
  • Feliciano hits into a 5-4-3 triple play to end the 2nd. Lots of things more popular than Jesus right now Mets 1, Padres 0 #
  • an older Eddy Current Suppression Ring video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIX6YbpJ5wM (via @DavidRayDog) @beerlandtexas tee on Danny! #
  • Lady Gaga, making eye contact with David Eckstein at Citi Field earlier today http://twitpic.com/1vnkeu #
  • if the Big 12 is falling apart, what will they do for the 2012 Pinstripe Bowl at Yankee Stadium? 4th place finisher from the Ivy League? #
  • been reading the internal American Apparel memos at Gawker today — no fair, all STOLEN from the Cumbucket Media Employee Handbook! #
  • speaking of which, @ChipBrownOB says the KC TV report re : Texas and A&M moving to the Big Ten is BOOOSHITE #
  • @ChipBrownOB on tonight’s SC discussing NCAA conference shuffle(s). Seems he’s found Eric Byrnes’ old barrel of hair gel. #
  • ESPN’s Brian Kenny : “is there a feeling at USC Carroll got out ahead of the posse?” no, I’m sure they’d welcome him back with a parade wtf #
  • noise from airplane flyovers fucking with AB’s at Miller Park today. Time for David Dinkins to intervene, claim US Open’s in Milwaukee #
  • Danks, Santos, Jenks combine on a 3-hit shutout of Detroit, ChiSox 3, Tigers 0. HR’s – Vizquel, Pierzynski #
  • Mets lose to SD, 4-2, advert on SNY shows Mr. Met displaying new line of Chevy autos. thurs NYTs reports we’re not supposed to say “chevy” #
  • Calipari, unavailable for comment RT @DanWetzel No penalty follows ex-hoops coach Tim Floyd to UTEP. He’s in the clear. #
  • congrats to Vince Young on winning the 2005 Heisman Trophy http://alturl.com/t2yz #
  • RT @BryanDFischer R. Bush violations: a vehicle, rent free home for parents, airline tickets, hotel room, cash, limo, furniture, appliance. #
  • SPOILER ALERT : Lady GaGa is at Citi Field today because she has a meeting later in the afternoon with future collaborator Heath Bell #
  • here’s a graphic SNY neglected to flash onscreen during Michael Milken’s vist today #Mets #Padres http://yfrog.com/mjqglj #
  • former chairman Ken Bates bemoans the lack of English players at Stamford Bridge. Doubt Chelsea fans are complaining http://alturl.com/fryy #
  • 2 run HR for Henry Blanco to left off Latos. Mets 2, Padres 0, btm 2nd. That’s 60 career HR for Blanco…in 13 seasons #
  • fella responsible for headline “LEBRON AND DWYANE HEAD TO HARLEM, LOCK CAR DOORS” dislikes the presumption he “has no standards at all”. #
  • I could complain about someone taking these tweets out of context but then I’d have to explain to them what “context” means. #
  • surely it’s finally safe for Francoeur to ditch the playoff beard #
  • refs for England v. U.S. were given list of English curses.Surprise is they all came from Mushnick’s Bob’s Blitz int. http://alturl.com/wvxv #
  • even Calipari is amazed at the timing of Pete Carroll’s escape #
  • RT @edsbs: Hey guys! Hope everything’s awesome at SC! Hey, they’ve got donuts here in Seattle! DONUTS EVERYONE! http://twitpic.com/1vfnsm #
  • shall doze off wondering how great it would’ve been if Rae Carruth, Dave Bliss, Steve Howe & Eric Show had YB blogs in their day. #
  • @alana_g ’tis nothing personal. your gig is marketing & p.r. my blog’s mandate is (largely) cutting thru marketing and p.r. in reply to alana_g #
  • congratulations to Adrian Peterson, winner of the 2004 Heisman Trophy #
  • typical Wiki ; SoCal’s rumored ’04 forfeits already noted. http://yfrog.com/c9q3p #
  • bottom line: YB mission (as per @alana_g) isn’t journalism. It’s about P.R. & marketing. The only crime is one against interesting content. #
  • “when choosing stories to feature on YB,we sometimes choose not to feature ones that would unnecessarily embarrass or anger our athletes” #
  • ” I occasionally ask our editorial staff to not specially feature certain minor news about Yardbarker athletes” http://alturl.com/8pjz #
  • @alana_g‘s thoughtful response : “we’re not the NY Times” no kidding. http://alturl.com/a9ta http://alturl.com/8pjz #
  • Dodgers have a professional “healer” on their payroll. Glenn Hoddle, unavailable for comment. http://alturl.com/849m #
  • Petttu Lindgren, PPG, 10:47, 2nd period, Texas 2, Hershey 1 #
  • Psuedo-scrum, Cedar Park, Calder Cup Finals http://yfrog.com/msdwsj #
  • Rallo goal, 17:23, Texas 1, Hershey 1, 1st period #