Detroit are leading Minnesota, 3-0 in the 2nd inning today at Comerica Park, where remarkably, it is not snowing.
Today’s rain-check special isn’t being carried by the cable or broadcast outlets for either team, so the only way to pay witness to this somewhat secret affair (there appear to be no more than a few dozen fans in attendence) is via’s exclusive webcast. Let’s just the the production values aren’t quite major league ; there is only one camera in use, seemingly positioned somewhere in front of the press box. An interesting perspective from which to watch the pitcher’s delivery….if you’re at the game. On the laptop, however, it doesn’t really work. The play by play feed is coming from Detroit’s WXYT.
I’ve seen a couple of Division III college baseball games this year where the players and groundskeepers outnumbered the fans. I’ve been to county cricket matches in England where the paid attendence barely nudges triple digits…but I have never seen a (supposedly) big time sporting event take place in front of so many empty seats. Though Inter’s first few home matches in the Champions League next year should come close.
UPDATE : if you missed the Ivan Rodriguez / J.C. Romero shoving match, Batgirl has pictures and accounts of said event.