The New York Times’ Richard Sandomir seems to think there’s something kinda sleazy about Fox’s use of Pamela Anderson — plugging her prime time Fox comedy in the process — during “Fox NFL Sunday” and I’d have to agree. Having seen all the promos for this show, I was really looking forward to watching Jimmy Johnson wrestle an alligator.
“(Pamela) Anderson and (Jillian) Barberie delivered the goods: two giggling girls at Fox’s football pajama party, as if Mae West and Theda Bara had crashed a World Series radio booth. All that was missing was a pipe-puffing Rupert Murdoch in a silk robe, flanked by the cooing Coors twins.
Here were Pam and Jillian, joking about barometric frontal systems (as Pam posed in profile), primping each other’s hair and getting stoked about the continuing voting for Fox’s sexiest man in the N.F.L. poll.
In this capacity, they provided more than Terry Bradshaw and his pals could; they spoke of the “sexy Freak Jevon Kearse,” Michael Strahan’s smile, Coach Herman Edwards’s older-man charms and Lawyer Milloy, about whom Pam expressed a desire to cross-examine.
Along the way, the word “stacked” was cited seven times and a 55-second clip of the premiere was shown. Last season, the six episodes of “Stacked” produced the 50th-ranked prime-time rating; imagine the boost it will receive from Anderson’s campaign stop in the studio’s testosterone stew.“