the Australian/NYC connection that is DEGREASER make their Austin debut. Their new album, ‘Words In Your Mouth’ arrives in better record shops any day now, and fittingly, they’ll be visiting beautiful people just like YOU in support of such.

GHETTO GHOULS’ tremendous new Monofonus Press LP has been lauded by so many national outlets, it’s kind of a miracle these guys are even willing to associate with you anymore. Maybe someday you’ll be better than everyone else, too, and you’ll relate. I doubt that will happen, but there’s always the possibility.

CYANIDE TOOTH is the solo exhibitionist thing from former Family Curse/Golden Error paragon Erick Bradshaw.

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS require no introduction. They might require a public defender or a ride home after this show, however.

ART ACEVEDO is the City Of Austin’s Chief Of Police. Art Acevedo is also a self-described “improv noise” group featuring individuals you know and love from Coma In Algiers, The Gospel Truth and Rhett & Dean. Which one will actually show up and commandeer the Beerland stage? THE SUSPENSE IS FUCKING KILLING ME (and I hope it is fucking killing you, too)