Though you owe it to yourself (and your spouse!) to read the entire thing, Henry Abbott’s email chat with Jackie & Doug Christie is typically whipped-tastic, despite the lovebirds vouching for Isiah Thomas (“He is the utmost professional. He is a kind person. Very high integrity man.”)
Doug: I would say, after being in the league for 15 years now, that I have seen a lot and there does seem to be a large number of younger attractive women employed on some teams. Often their job is to deal directly with the players, like media relations, community relations, and so on all the way up to the GM’s assistant, the coach’s assistant, and the receptionist.
Sometimes they are allowed to come into the locker room and place packages (mail) etc. in the players lockers and things like that. They come in even while players are disrobed partially and I just always felt that was not such a great idea, as not only could they feel they are being harassed if guys start joking around, but we also may not be dressed at all, and guys are married and in relationships and that’s just not good.
As a free agent, you, Doug, were told by the Sonics last season that you were welcome to join the team, but they didn’t want Jackie hanging around much. You decided not to join the team. Is this a pattern of not wanting strong women around to break up the frat house atmosphere?
Doug: I would say that it has to be, on some teams.
My wife is my support system. She is my freind, my wife, my secretary, my assistant, and someone who makes sure that I’m able to just go out there and give my team my all each and every night. She makes sure I get everything I need from massages on the road (she books the appointments) to all of my appearances. (I have never missed one, by the way). If any paperwork is needed she handles it for me and our family.
In turn, the team gets a player that can go out there and play his best ball every night, with a clear mind. I can stay focused.
So, yeah, I would have loved to play for my hometown team, God knows I would — but not at the cost of my family. And besides, who knows what this year holds! Maybe there is a team out there that can use a 14-year veteran in tip-top shape, 100% healthy, with clarity and focus to get the job done!