The Daily Revelle’s Xerxes A. Wilson writes the Klu Klux Klan are coming to Oxford, MS for tomorrow’s LSU / Ole Miss clash, and they’re not looking for Jevon Snead’s autograph.

Shane Tate, the North Mississippi great titan for the Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, confirmed via e-mail the KKK will rally on Ole Miss™ campus in protest of the Ole Miss Chancellor Dan Jones™ decision to remove œFrom Dixie with Love from the Ole Miss band™s song selection.

The controversy began last month when the Ole Miss Associated Student Body passed a resolution in favor of discontinuing chanting œthe South will rise again to replace it with œto hell with LSU. The resolution was never fully enacted because it was not signed by the proper officials after passing the senate, said Peyton Beard, Ole Miss Associated Student Body director of athletics.

The student section largely ignored the resolution and other attempts to stop the chant, continuing the chant during œFrom Dixie with Love, said Ole Miss English junior Dean Julius.

œWe are coming to Ole Miss to say enough is enough on attacking our Christian, southern heritage and culture, and it™s time for every person to have a right to freedom of speech, Tate said.

œWe aren™t coming there to cause problems or cause trouble, Tate said. œTrouble has already been caused by a handful at Ole Miss, including the black student body president, who wants to shape Ole Miss into yet another liberal sodomite college.

Bruce Pearl, while not unavailable for comment, probably isn’t very surprised.