Might it be possible for someone with an ounce of smarts or civility to refer to Stuart Scott’s health woes without sneering? While we’re pondering that, instead consider the thoughtful remarks of With Leather’s Matt Ufford, who aside from calling Scott the WWL’s “preferred bro-dawg” greets the news of “icky tissue” being removed from the sports anchor’s insides with the aside, “I’d also like to wish Stuart Scott well… in that I don’t wish him any particular harm.”
Yeah, that was warranted. God forbid a simple news item about Scott’s condition could pass without the nudge-nudge reminder that MAYBE IT WOULDN’T SUCK THAT MUCH IF HE DIED. Hoo-ha.
Stuart Scott’s crimes are humanity are what, exactly? “Boo-ya?” That “as cool as the other side of the pillow” is no more his invention than the phrase “With Leather” was created by Captain Caveman?
While we’re on the subject, the Urban Dictionary defines “bro dawg” as “a male that drives a lifted pick up truck, drinks endless amounts of cheap beer like water, wears trucker hats, listens to anything that MTV has deemed cool, and calls his friends ‘Bro’ or ‘Dog’.” I wonder which sports blogs such a dude might have in his browser history?
You want me to take this fucker out, CG? Say the word, mandude.
I always disengage whatever dislike I have for someone (in Stuart Scott’s case, none at all) when I hear the C word. Making light of cancer is in no way dignified.
Hey, I just Googled this fucker and Mr. Ufford lives in my hood. Seriously, you want me to take him out?
yes, Rog. I’d like you to take Matt out.
To the movies, preferably.
I’ve heard good things about “The Atonement”, but since he’s into comedy, perhaps “Walk Hard” would be a more appropriate choice.
I’ve heard nothing but bad reviews of Atonement. Don’t you think Golden Compass would be more his speed?
Whatever flick packs the most high school girls in the theater is more Ufford’s style.
Well in that case you’ve gotta go with Enchanted. Or you could take a chance with Juno. Do the kids today like quirk and The Moldy Peaches?
Rog, maybe after the film you can give him the “American History X” treatment? Just a thought.
I posted on Stu Scott’s condition, and still found a way to make it funny without saying anything bad about the man. I just reposted the video of his Celtics Poetry Jam to remind everyone how much he has provided to the nation’s well of comedy.