After last month’s news Rob Bradford was leaving the Boston Herald for the revamped, David Scott of Scott’s Shots follows a Thursday evening announcement that Bradford’s former colleague, longtime Herald fixture Tony Massarotti, will soon join the Boston Globe.

Massarotti, who has danced with the Globe before, will fill a mainly on-line role for™s Red Sox coverage, but there is also a print element to the job as well.

œThe idea is to have a bit of a hybrid position between the web site and the paper with an on-line emphasis, he said. œIt will be largely baseball to start but there™s no real restrictions on this position. There are million things to do with it. There will be a lot of trial and error.

œThis issue of what my job title would be came up during (talks with Sullivan), Massarotti said. œI don™t know if there is one for what I™ll be doing and I don™t care if there isn™t.

The switch mean that Mazz™s relationship with WEEI 850 AM will have to cease (due to Globe policy forbidding appearances on the station, in place since 1999) and it will also diminish whatever role Mazz had on Comcast SportsNet, as he will now be have to give first dibs to NESN.

Interestingly, Massarotti confirmed to Shots that he had been in œextensive discussions with as well. œEventually, I had to look at it and say that is a start up. The Boston Globe is a long-established media outlet and they™re not going anywhere, he said. œI couldn™t see leaving a place I had been for almost 20 years, to go to what is basically a start-up.

Albeit a start-up that’s a ratings/cash machine in another medium, and seemingly poised to make a splash in another. Scott also reports has added former Globe columnist / BSM-pinata Ron Borges to their nu-media roster. Look for the Hooded Casanova to film a special PSA about the horrors of cyberbullying.