It’s been reported far and wide that Tim Tebow is scheduled to deliver a sermon tomorrow at Georgetown, TX’s Celebration Church, with as many  as 20,000 worshipers expected to attend.  It could be one of the bigger crowds to watch a non-football performance by a Jets backup QB, easily dwarfing the turnout for Bubby Brister’s abortive (sorry, Tim) appearance during The Chuckle Hut’s open mike night.

The part of the story that piqued my curiosity — aside from a Celebration spokesperson calling the event, “non-denominational” —-was the claim that the vibe surrounding Tebow’s oration would be akin to “an outside concert event”.  Hey, you can’t have a proper outside concert without a legit opening act, and who better to warm up the Teboners than Houston’s Rusted Shut?