[A hurt Jim Hendry takes his jersey back from Milton Bradley.]

If MTV endures all the heat from “Jersey Shore,” I’m hoping my pitch for “North Shore,” a show about real life dumb ass Cub execs running wild at the Winter Meetings is green lit.  Yes, arrogant white-collar loudmouths nationwide will object, but I just call that good press.

Gordon Wittenmyer’s wrap-up of the Winter Meetings appears today in the Sun-Times.  The upshot, of course, is that after a week of Jim Hendry psychodrama over Milton Bradley, no team in baseball is willing to take MB unless the Cubs eat the majority of his $21 million two-year deal.  Dusty Baker, Greg Maddux, Sammy Sosa, Jacque Jones,  Juan Pierre, and now Milton Bradley’s probable exit from the North Side, it’s becoming obvious that leaving the Cubs on bad terms is about the only way to go. Hendry, of course, is the one factor that hasn’t changed in all those exits.  More and more, it looks to be about him.

Hendry gave Bradley a 15-game suspension for dissing Wrigley fans.  Now Hendry is said to be after Milwaukee OF Mike Cameron.  Cameron’s a good player, but he’s also gone on the record with the Sun-Times’ Wittenmyer  as saying he too has a problem with the racist element in Wrigley’s bleachers.  Btw, no knock on Cameron at all.  He’s right.  Even Bradley refused to go there and claim racism at Wrigley.  The Trib’s Paul Sullivan spun it to say Bradley was “suggesting” racism.  No “suggesting” with Mike Cameron, MC says it’s flat-out true.  So what’s going to change in the Jim Hendry high drama management of the Cubs?  Hendry himself says racism is not an issue at Wrigley (despite the obvious).  Apparently, the same mistakes, the same Hendry ego, the same suck-up to Wrigley’s lamest regulars, will continue.

Hendry let Bradley dangle when reporters baited him on race, when reporters called him a “nutbag,” and then when MB refused to talk to the media, the Cubs scolded Bradley over it.  Hendry’s 15-day suspension of Bradley sent the word to baseball that MB was impossible.  Then Hendry, genius that he is, decides to put Bradley on the market because he feels he has no choice.  Yes, there’s a choice.  Hendry needs to get over himself, and as one unnamed manager put it re Bradley, bite the bullet and play him.