Can you really blame the citizens of Woodland, California for being pissed off? The only time their fair city seems to make national news seems to be when members of the Pedroia family are either badmouthing the burg or facing charges of molesting children. No further word from The Real Townie News, however.
What’s that, Woodland? Sorry, I was just polishing my MVP trophy. How many MVP winners do you know who suck?
Big whoopdeefuckindoo, a mvp trophy. Keep shining, shine boy.
I KNOW Pedroia is an arrogant asshole because of the simple fact that he said things he KNOWS would enflame the town……WITH HIM BEING TIME ZONES AWAY AND HIS FAMILY HAVING TO LIVE WITH WHAT HE SAYS….
To any REAL man, thats a piss poor move. You think that? fine. but if there is a good chance your family pays for your loose lips, you button up.
Hey dustin you such a dick this is your home town even though i hate the red sox’s that still fucked up dude..GO GIANTS HOMIE!
hey shut the fuck up that is my fucking aunt you are talking about i bet the town you come from is i do nothing with my life but suck dick you dont know shit about him hes the best he made the mlb which your fat ass couldn’t even get off the computer and plus he made rookie of the year and he is on the best team in u.s.a so shut the hell up go back to your i do nothing with my life but suck dick town
That dick sucking thing??? I think “Petey”s brother is taking care of that little thing….