While this is an old item (from last April, actually), you might enjoy it just the same. Nashville Scene’s Jason Moon Wilkins polled a panel of Music City Luminaries prior to the NFL Draft, and here’s a pair of the more enlightened responses (link swiped from Fitted Sweats).

Scene: How will Pacman Jones™ status affect the Titans draft plans?

Dave Berman : Ideally, if it becomes a 10-game suspension, he should be given a chance to redeem himself during the last six games. Realistically, though, Nashville will never offer Pacman Jones the unlimited supply of second chances it had to offer George Jones or Johnny Cash. My biggest problem with Pacman, until I see some admissible evidence of him having harmed others, is the credibility he™s given to the warped points of view of the permanently angry super-patriots and sanctimonious church ladies, who are happy to finally have the political cover they need for opining about the urban element.

Young Buck : I don™t agree with none of it man. I feel like there™s certain situations that we as celebrities can be in without having no control of¦. And I think that™s what happened to Pacman. As long as it™s not him that™s committing those actions, then he shouldn™t be held accountable for ™em¦. NFL and hip-hop is two different things, but celebrity is one thing. In that sense, you actually have to walk in his shoes for a minute and understand it before judging him.