Several hours before “SportsCenter” reported current Lakers assistant Kurt Rambis is under consideration for the vacancy in Phoenix,’s Adam Beechen made the following propostition :

Here™s a name I haven™t heard mentioned at all in speculation, and it stuns me: Marc Iavaroni. He™s a former Suns assistant who worked with many of the players on the current roster. He was well-respected and well-liked here. He has championship experience as a player (on a team where he played alongside a dominant, if not exactly fleet, center in Moses Malone). His coaching forte´ is defense. And while it wouldn™t be a hire from within the organization, a strategy that™s always worked pretty well for the Suns, it™d be the next best thing. I know Coach I just split to coach Memphis a year ago, but coaches leave contracts all the time (see D™Antoni, Mike). And wouldn™t you rather coach the Suns than the Grizzlies?

Here’s hoping, nay, praying Charles Barkely gets a handle on what appears to be a full-blown addiction. Not because I’m troubled by the scourage of gambling or I have much concern for the Chuckster’s well being. I just refuse to deal with any newsworthy event that might result in more TV or radio bookings for Art Schlichter. Just because Barkley’s having a rough time, why do the rest of us have to suffer?