From the Portland Tribune’s Kerry Eggers.

On Monday, the Trail Blazers announced that forward Zach Randolph (above) was being granted a “bereavement leave” to attend the funeral of his girlfriend’s cousin in his hometown of Marion, Ind.

On Tuesday night, after Portland’s 100-98 victory over the Wizards, Randolph apparently spent time ” and money ” at a strip club in North Portland.

By multiple accounts, the Blazers’ leading scorer and rebounder stiffed the folks at Exotica International Club for Men on Northeast Columbia Boulevard after enjoying libations and entertainment there.

“He didn’t pay his tab ” $106,” said John, a bartender who wasn’t working Tuesday night but had the story related to him by others. “He’ll make it up to (the waitress), though.”

The club manager, Joel (he asked his last name not be used), confirmed the account.

“He was here, just for a minute,” the manager said.

What time was Randolph at the club?

“Late,” Joel said.

What about Randolph’s unpaid bill?

“He just forgot,” Joel said. “He’ll pay it next time.”

I think even Doc Rivers would be outraged at Randolph’s attitude towards playing in meaningless games.

Though this is a couple of days old, it’s still a classic quote. From the New York Daily News’ Frank Isola.

There was an interesting Q&A with Garden chairman James Dolan over the weekend in another publication where we learned, among other things, that Dolan™s favorite actress is Lauren Bacall and that he likes prime rib. Riveting stuff.

One answer in particular really stood out. When asked, œwhat surprised you about Isiah the coach? Dolan™s response was “that he doesn’t know how good he really is.

Hoping to fire a few hardballs at the Straight Shot’s J.D., Isola submits the following questions to the MSG publicity department, in advance :

Q. If had you had to be stuck in a Madison Square Garden elevator for two hours with either Jeff Van Gundy or Larry Brown, who would you pick?

Q. Last season you said “it’s unfortunate we’re not winning (games) but it’s not integral to the strategy right now to do that.” When exactly will winning be integral to the strategy?

Q. You continue to say that 1999 was the worst year since you took over the team. The Knicks were three wins from a title that season. How could that possibly be the worst year?

Q. Other than green, what is your favorite color?

Q. A lot of fans question if you have any appreciation for Knicks history. You dismantled the radio booth at the Garden that was named for the legendary Knicks broadcaster Marty Glickman in order to sell more seats. Patrick Ewing would like to work for the organization but no one has reached out to him. How would you explain this?

Q. There is a perception that you are more obsessed with the media than winning. How do you respond to that?

Q. Would you rather win the NBA title, the Stanley Cup or a Grammy?

Q. You claim to admire former NFL coach Bill Parcells. Do you really think that Parcells, who like Larry Brown isn’t afraid to publicly criticize his players, could work for you?

Q. Madison Square Garden is still the best building in the NBA. But why is it so filthy?

Q. Do you agree with the theory that the Knicks City Dancers don™t get nearly enough court time?

Q. Why does the cable repair man say that he™ll arrive at my house any time between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and always manages to show up during the half hour I™m out running errands?

Q. Is it true that you have assigned employees to spy on reporters at the Garden?

Q. I think one of the best things about you is that you are willing to spend whatever it takes to make both the Knicks and Rangers winning teams. With that in mind, you could have saved $20 million by buying out Steve Francis. Why didn™t you?

Q. What™s the first thing that pops into your head when I say Jerome James?