(1060 W. Addison ca. 2010)

Forced as they are into regular trips to Chicago, Cubs fans already know that travel enriches the mind and spirit.  There’s nothing like a journey to open up one’s mind to new perspectives and notions of the world, and when the destination is one where persons of color are found unsupervised, well all the better. The SUV doors have locks, after all, and how better to pick up a stray phrase or two in the help’s native language?

But there are limits to the benefits of travel.  No good can come of allowing the staff to wander willy-nilly –  it breeds discontent, and even heresy.

There’s no doubt the Cubs enjoyed their two-day stay in the Brewers‘ home clubhouse at Miller Park, and not just because they allowed only one hit in two victories over Houston.

After his no-hitter Sunday, Carlos Zambrano went as far as to say: “This is a beautiful ballpark. Gosh, I wish we could have a new ballpark.”

I only have one question:  will the Applebee’s Tequila Chicken stations be distributed evenly throughout the new seating scheme, or will the bleachers have to make do with only the salad bar?