occasionally, i make a mistake or two on the program. Maybe I accidentally leave the microphone on when I’m yelling at children (someone else’s — they’re a couple of houses away but if I don’t speak up they’re gonna grow up to be total shits). Perhaps I’ll mispronounce a name or a title (apologies to former Canadiens/Avalanche netminder Patrick Roy) , and worst of all, there’s the times i’ve played a song at the wrong speed (which takes some doing as these are all digital files). But rather than clean it all up in post-production, I leave these gaffes right where they are. I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m a person, capable of messing up just like all of you. OK, maybe not nearly as often as all of you, but sometimes, and my fervent hope is that by opening up like this, you’ll find me just a little bit more relatable (the caveat being I will not actually be interacting with any of you because I would rather roll around in broken glass)

Drunks With Guns – Wonderful Subdivision? (2022 remaster)
Shit and Shine – Annoyed
Lightning Bolt – Caught Deep In The Zone
Lolina – Forget It Left Bank
Hysteric Polemic – The Color Of Privilege And Fragility
Groundhogs – Cherry Red
Whitespade – Wired & Red
T54 – CR Model
Teen Prime – The Damon Che Jazz
Bound & Gagged – Roach Motel
Narcissist Holocaust – I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness
DJ GÄP – Torn Bicep
SWAP MEET! – Lost In The Dark
WHARFWHIT – Sunroofer
Tomaga – Departure From Zone
Phew – No Name
?Pete Um – All For The War
?Will Veeder – Space Diet
Ivan Zoloto – Red Eyes Moscow