Tomorrow December 1, marks the 25th anniversary of Latrell Sprewell’s attempted strangulation of coach PJ Carlesimo. My apologies as I tried to find a good photo of Spree and PJ together but all I found was watermarked / lo-res garbage, so you’ll have to settle for a pic of a highly medicated Calvin Klein being separated from Spree at Madison Square Garden some years later. Though the choking incident is referenced on this week’s show, I remain stunned, saddened, really, that Spree and PJ cannot put their animus aside to join forces on a boutique mustard. They’re leaving money (and mustard) on the table.

AK47 – The Badge Means You Suck
Sluggo – Erase The Thought
Gauze – Low Charge
Invertebrates – No More
Breadwinner – Ditch
Orthotonics – Interference
Ava Mendoza – Don’t Look
Mishagas- Kicker
Greymouth – Eeling Lamp
Anthony Moore – Useless Moments
Ribbon Stage – Stone Heart Blue
Cletus Vortex – 100 Blasts
UAN0020 – Sensitive Dependence
Zeena Parkins – Captiva I. Electric
Nickolas Mohanna – Earthworks
Amirtha Kidambi & Luke Stewart – Exaltation
Damon Smith / Louis Wall / NNN Cook – Fire Point
JFK – Feel The Weight
The Work – By The Sound Of Machine Hearts
Estey Field Organ Tone Archive – Track 03 from ‘Volume 11’