Here’s some more wit and wisdom from Mrs. Kris Benson (above, right), as relayed by the suddenly hairy palms of the New York Daily News’ Adam Rubin.
Anna Benson’s worst feature – her mouth – is on display in April’s Penthouse magazine.
The wife of ex-Mets pitcher Kris, who will miss the entire season with the Orioles because of a partially torn rotator cuff that resulted in surgery yesterday, has a two-page, profanity-laced interview in the magazine, in which she says of the Mets: “They got a —- bag of balls for Kris. They didn’t get —-. Julio Jorge (sic) and John Maine. They traded a number-one stud pitcher who was 30 at the time, and they blame the red dress….If I were a Mets fan, I’d be beside myself. You look at all the injuries they had with Pedro (Martinez) and beyond, and you know Kris would have taken them to the top last season.”
For the record, it’s Jorge Julio … who was traded for Orlando Hernandez … who has had neck and hamstring problems this spring … but anyway … what about Maine?
Not content with flogging Rob Zombie action figures, McFarlane Sports is about to introduce a 3 inch Jose Reyes doll (above).
While Uni Watch’s Paul Lukas reported yesterday the Mets will wearing their black jerseys far less often in 2007, Ruben Sierra won’t be wearing any shade of Mets or Zeyphrs swag, having requested and received his release yesterday.
I’ll put this in the most diplomatic way possible : Keith Hernandez is already in mid-season form.
Rubin’s preoccupation with Anna Benson borders on the clownish and has for years. It’s a total beard, too.
Keith Hernandez can’t speak Spanish, but he calls himself Mex? WTF?
so…you’re saying he prefers blondes?
The fact that Anna Benson claims the Mets got nothing for her husband and says that Kris would have taken them to the “top” when he’s going to miss a full season borders on downright stupidity.
Obvouisly she didn’t see Maine get the Mets to Game 7 of the NLCS.