Let it be known that questioning Jimmy Leyland will not be tolerated, even on the part of one of the game’s most dangerous hitters (circa 2003).

Congratulations to Carl Pavano, who showed tonight without a shadow of a doubt that he’s an even riskier proposition for a big league start than Ian Kennedy.  Equal salutations are due the bullpens of the Red Sox and Rangers, who proved the New York Mets’ relief corps are hardly alone in their abject suckiness.

Speaking of which, after declaring Eddie Kunz the Mets’ new closer, Jerry Manuel promptly left Pedro Feliciano on the mound for the duration of the home 9th inning in Washington, with Feliciano earning the save in New York’s 4-3 victory. Were it not for the skull of Damon Easley, plunked-or-not with the score tied at 3 in the 8th inning, we might well be asking why Manuel chose to pinch hit the punchless Brian Schnieder for Johan Santana in the 8th.