Dolphis 22, Ravens 16 (OT)

If New England’s win over the Jets delayed the ’72 Dolphins’ annual champagne toast, surely a can or two of Blatz can be cracked open to celebrate the contemporary Fins getting off the schneid. After dropping 8 games in a row, perhaps the Ravens’ Brian Billick should give himself another vote of confidence tomorrow afternoon.

If Baltimore had nothing to play for today, what exactly was Seattle’s excuse? Carolina was a mere mauling of Matt Moore away from having to text message Jeff George (Bubby Brister? Kordell Stewart? Eric Crouch?), yet they managed to defeat what prior to this afternoon, looked like the NFC’s 3rd best team.

A 90 yard touchdown romp by Tampa’s Michael Spurlock against Atlanta today was the first kickoff return TD by a Buccaneer in the Franchise’s 31 year history. Imagine how much sooner the Bucs would’ve achieved said result had Spurlock not nearly killed himself gorging on Big Macs?