(a past Tribune sponsored Cub Convention)
Reporting from the floor of the Cubs Convention, the Northwest Herald’s Nick Pietruszkiewicz apparently caught Lou Piniella with his swag down: œAn elderly woman came up to me and said, ˜Please, I don™t know much time we have left,™  Piniella said. œI told her I™m an old manager, I don™t know how much time I have left, either.
However, Tribune scribe Paul Sullivan stayed on message with a much livelier final report from the convention, spotlighting jibes from Peoria Chiefs manager Ryne Sandberg at Sammy Sosa and heat Hendry took from a one fan (thank you, whoever you are). Sandberg should watch it — he’ll probably be Sammy’s manager in a month. Cubbie old-timers like me, of course, were also excited to see Mark Prior’s annual Cub Convention apology to fans. “It’s been a rough couple of years, but I’m looking forward to this year,” he said. “I can’t change the reality of what it’s been the last three years.”
Then Sullivan’s report stopped me cold. Is this actually a sports poem by Sullivan or did he suffer a mild stroke while writing?

McDonough MacPhail
Sweet Lou In Dusty We Trusty
Soriano Pierre
New Larry Old Larry
Samardzija Maddux
D-Lee bracelets "Believe" bracelets
W flag L flag
Go Cubs Go Cubbies
-- Paul Sullivan

I err on the side of compassion and wish the Sullivan family my best for a speedy recovery.