…Tom’s their only friend (link swiped from True Hoop).

Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon were making fun of Jason Whitlock today on “PTI”, busting on Big Sexy for his “Oprah” appearance and suggesting that Rosie O’Donnell (“a lesbian!”) was in love with the former ESPN fixture. Apparently, there are only two (occasional) sportswriters who are allowed to have egos the size of the solar system.

Caveman Kamen suspects the Warriors’ likely result
over Portland tonight will render the Clippers’ clash with New Orleans meaningless. Perhaps, but even if Golden State makes the playoffs, they’ll never be able to claim this guy as a season ticket holder.

While things are looking grim for the Sonics’ future in Seattle, give coach Bob Hill credit for one tiny thing : he managed to outlast Joey Crawford. Barely.

Lou Gossett Jr. is being sued by the Lakers
for not paying for his posh box seats. I had a similar dispute with Dave Checketts some years ago over New York City Hawks tickets, so I’m rooting for Lou in this case.