“Household”, that is, if the name on the mailbox outside reads “Grimsley.” From the Arizona Republic’s Craig Harris, Joseph A. Reaves and Nick Piecoro.

Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Jason Grimsley admitted taking illegal performance-enhancing drugs and said amphetamines are used “like aspirin” in major league clubhouses, according to a document filed by the lead federal investigator in baseball’s steroids scandal.

Grimsley, a 15-year veteran of seven teams, also identified “several other Major League Baseball players by name whom he suspected of using anabolic steroids or human growth hormone,” which baseball has banned.

In a two-hour interview with federal investigators on April 19, Grimsley said:

¢ Until last year, major league clubhouses had coffee pots labeled “leaded” and “unleaded” for the players, indicating coffee with amphetamines and without.

¢ Latin players are a major source for the amphetamines within baseball.

¢ Amphetamines also come from players on California teams that could easily go into Mexico and get them.

¢ The two kits of human growth hormones he received on April 19 were intended to be his season supply of human growth hormone.

I’d heard the “leaded”/”unleaded” story years ago, but was led to believe said tags were meant to specify which bucket of Gatorade Sid Fernandez had peed in.

In all seriousness, well done to the FBI. I am very hopeful that once all the facts are in, Major League Baseball takes steps to erase Kansas City’s last place finish in 2005 from the record books, along with the Baltimore Orioles’ won-loss record from the same season.