Former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky (above, right) was indicted yesterday on multiple counts of sexually abusing minors over a 9 year span.  Sandusky, heavily involved with the Second Mile charity and at one time considered the likely successor to Joe Paterno, might be dragging former colleagues down with him, as the Patriot News’ Sara Ganim reports former PSU Athletic Director Tim Curley and ex-business affairs administrator Gary Shultz have been charged with perjury and failure to report a crime during the state’s investigation of Sandusky’s alleged misconduct.

Attorney General Linda Kelly says Curley and Schultz perjured themselves by repeatedly denying,  during the grand jury investigation, that they were told about an incident in 2002 that was reported by a graduate football assistant who walked on Sandusky taking a shower with a young boy.

Kelly said, “rather than reporting the matter to law enforcement, Curley and Schultz agreed that Sandusky would be told he could not bring any Second Mile children into the football building.  That message was also reportedly related to Dr. John Raykovitz at the Second Mile (Past Executive Director and Executive Vice-President and currently the President and CEO of the Second Mile),” the statement says.”

Despite that ban, which was reviewed by Penn State President Graham Spanier, there was no change in Sandusky’s status with the school, no changes to his access to campus, and no charges were brought.

As part of his retirement, sources tell the Patriot-News that Sandusky was given a key and an on-campus office.

“The failure of top university officials to act on reports of Sandusky’s alleged sexual misconduct, even after it was reported to them in graphic detail by an eyewitness, allowed a predator to walk free for years – continuing to target new victims,” Kelly said