I don’t mean to doubt the veracity of any public claim that CSTB is worth $1,470,044.00. But if someone offered me a tenth of that amount to turn over the entire operation, I’d be outta hear faster than you could say “speed and cruelty”. They could Coors Light/Today’s Action Army the blog to death for all I cared. I’d hand over Jason Cohen’s email address (I might even have David Roth’s social security number somewhere) and the keys to the executive washroom. The transition would be seamless to the point where you’d never remember I was here in the first place.

In all honesty, I find these sort of figures profoundly depressing. All those thousands of bikini photos and Sports By Brooks is barely worth more than CSTB? It just doesn’t seem fair. Either pandering doesn’t pay what it used to or the industy leaders (ie. that oh-so-smutty Baseball Musings) have made it impossible for the rest of us struggling hopefuls to compete.