Asks Repoz, “Could Sirhan Sirhan actually have been gunning for the Ambassastelladora of Baseball that night?!”

Tonight, I am going to a special screening of the upcoming movie, Bobby, which is the story of the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. He was assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 6, 1968. It just so happens that I was supposed to be at that dinner.

Before going to the dinner though, I planned to going to the Dodger game because Don Drysdale was on the mound and besides him being one of my favorite pitchers, and a great friend, he was going for his sixth straight shutout. His scoreless innings pitched streak was the big topic in baseball, and I wanted to be on hand to watch. 58 2/3 scoreless innings was amazing.

As I dressed that morning, I put on a brand new pair of shoes. They were CoreFam shoes, and as I wore them around that day, they really started to hurt my feet. So much so, that I had to leave the game, and I walked to my car with the CoreFam™s in my hand. That™s how badly they hurt.

We decided to skip the dinner at the Ambassador. When we got home, we turned on the TV and saw that Kennedy had been shot.

It was a night of mixed emotions. While I was happy for Big Don, I was sad and angry about the assassination. No matter what your politics are, or which party you align yourself with, an assassination of any elected official, or national leader, is tragic.

Well put. Though I suppose Tommy could find a silver lining in Harvey Milk’s shooting — after all, the Giants didn’t win a game that day.