What do you suppose the reaction might be if a female TV personality expressed the sentiment that ESPN’s Tony Kornheiser was “a decrepit, Brad Childress-lookalike”, or someone “singlehandedly responsible for the demise of male sensuality”?  I’m gonna guess that if the hypothetical woman was a Bristol U. colleague of Kornheiser’s, she’d have to apologize and/or face a suspension of some sort.

And that’s why it’s confusing to read that Kornheiser (above) used his DC radio gig earlier this week to call ESPN anchor Hannah Storm “a Holden Caulfield fantasy”, adding that in his estimation, the 47 year old mother-of-three was guilty of wearing “a horrifying, horrifying outfit” (“she™s got on red go-go boots and a catholic school plaid skirt ¦ way too short for somebody in her 40s or maybe early 50s by now”).

Far less baffling, however, is Sports By Brooks’ take on the matter, in which Brooks predictably ignores the most obvious question of all — ie. isn’t there something ferociously creepy about the zeal with which Kornheiser discusses Ms. Storm’s Hot Or Not status? —- instead, engaging in the following (ahem) defense of Albert Belle’s old nemesis  ;

“I think Storm™s a consumate pro and a very attractive lady. To be more specific, Storm looks unbelievable for her age and I have nothing but respect for the way she™s taken care of herself and how she presents herself on-air.”

Clearly, there’s some difference of opinion between Brooks and Kornheiser, but they still have much in common. The former can type one-handed just as easily as the latter can do a radio show with his trousers down