- seriously, only two respected tweeters covering the Atlantic League ASG? What’s wrong with America? #
- these folks are pretty good. If, y’know, you’re into TRIOS RT @WOVENBONES: LAST MINUTE INSTORE @ CRIMINAL RECS IN ATL TMRW. Whooot whooot. #
- did you really buy this? RT @meechone: It’s like saying, “eff you Joey Votto.” (purchased) http://twitpic.com/231f64 #
- if you’re tweeting w/ glee about Lohan’s sentencing yet ignored Bernie Kerik’s, please fuck off and die already #
- Jose Reyes, to make rare baseball-playing appearance this evening in Flushing http://bit.ly/b2QNj6 #
- LeBatard reports codeine abuse is very big “in the hip hop community” and was “popularized by ‘Lil Wayne”. That’s ATH vet, Lil Wayne, Dan. #
- Robben seals the deal, #uru 1, #ned 3 (73rd minute) #worldcup #
- Always bet on Oranj ; Wesley Sneijder puts Holland ahead #uru 1, #ned 2 http://tweetphoto.com/31183364 #
- ltd window of opportunity for the Celtics…to win a ring for Kwame! http://twitter.com/CelticsLife/status/17889717495 #
- Giovanni Van Bronkhorst’s goal was magical, but Forlan might’ve just topped it. #URU 1, #NED 1, 41st minute #
- while we’re waiting for LBJ’s first tweet with baited breath, wouldn’t this be the right time for someone to claim @FakeDelonteWest? #
- 71K followers and ZERO TWEETS. @kingjames‘ twitter debut is the most eagerly awaited in history. #
- Demy de Zeeuw gets de-capitated (sorry) #worldcup http://tweetphoto.com/31176480 #
- Van Bronckhorst – goal of the tournament? #URU 0, #NED 1, 18th minute, #worldcup #
- say it ain’t so : Da Meat Hook busted for weed http://bit.ly/bJpbHn #
- “Cousins is the Blaster to Evans™ Master, the Hammer to Evans™ Sickle.” Matt Moore on Sacramento’s Tyreke and Boogie http://bit.ly/cSR6yb #
- so the Twins are gunning hard for Cliff Lee? I am so sick of big market teams grabbing all the top flight talent. http://yhoo.it/ars5YM #
- “Papi Would Participate In Derby If Asked”. Because it doesn’t mess up your swing or anything http://bit.ly/cpDTI7 #