While flipping channels earlier today, I happened upon a rebroadcast of Sunday’s Salt Lake Bees / Colorado Sky Sox clash, featuring long-lost Mets hopeful Kaz Matsui playing shortstop.  Sadly, I didn’t catch the names of the broadcasting legends calling this affair, but they seemed to find something particularly amusing about major league baseball “not being as easy as it looks” for Matsui (“but I bet he likes it on the 1st and 15th!” yuck yuck yuck).

While I’m sure it’s demoralizng for Kaz to be plying his trade in front of sparse crowds in the PCL (the vibe at Security Service Field makes the Dell Diamond look like the San Siro, trust me), it could be worse. He could be announcing the game and suggesting in all seriousness that .25 Hot Dog Night “is a great way to feed the entire family.”

Speaking of guys who might not hate the 1st and 15th of the month, Vinny Castilla has signed a minor league deal with the Rockies, and is expected to join Matsui in Colorado Springs very soon.