From the NY Post’s Kevin Kernan :

The fire sale is on in Florida, and it appears the Mets are ahead of the pack in the Carlos Delgado sweepstakes. They are offering minor-league pitcher Yusmeiro Petit for Delgado, 33, and are willing to take $48 million in salary off the Marlins’ hands in the process.

“This trade could happen quickly,” a source said last night.

Another big name the Mets are pursuing is another ex-Yankee, right-hander Javier Vazquez of the Diamondbacks, according to sources. Kris Benson’s name has popped up in that deal, along with promising young right-hander Brian Bannister (above), who was 13-5 last year at Binghamton (AA) and Norfolk (AAA).

UPDATE : Newsday’s Jon Heyman is reporting the Delgado deal is done, pending a physical ; Delagdo for Petit and C/1B Mike Jacobs.

For those convinced that Carlos Beltran has already peaked, it is fair to assume he’ll see better pitches to hit if he has Delgado hitting behind him compared to batting prior to Mike Piazza for much of ’05’s first half. Either way, the Mets have to be feeling pretty good about a potential 1-5 of;


The New York Times’ Ben Shipgel wrote yesterday that free agent closer Billy Wagner has been offered a 3 year, $30 million contract by the Mets, with an option for a 4th year. Wagner, who has previously expressed his desire for a guaranteed 4 years, is no doubt aware of the market established when Boston made such a pact with Keith Foulke, though Foulke’s subsequent injuries are a worthwhile reminder why the Mets would prefer to limit their commitment. Clearly, Omar Minaya is betting that neither Philadelphia, nor Boston or Atlanta, will offer a guaranteed 4 years.