Given that he’s been wearing Celtic green for less than 3 months, it seems a little unfair for Kevin Garnett to be targeted so soon by a sporting populace sick to death of Brady/Belichick/BoSox/Bill Simmons/Dickie Barrett. That didn’t stop the smart-alecks at, however, much to the Boston center’s chagrin, as the Boston Herald’s Mark Murphy explains.

A Page 2 poll, drawing on the sports world™s current enmity toward Boston, asked users to vote for the event they would rather see happen – the Steelers beating the Patriots, Johan Santana being traded to any team but the Red Sox, or Garnett blowing out his knee.

That™s right, blowing out his knee.

Garnett, his mouth ajar in disbelief upon hearing about the poll after last night™s game, recovered long enough to say, œWow, that™s really distasteful, man. Man, I mean, that™s my life, my career. You don™t joke about something like that.

Garnett then leaned toward the nearest door – made of wood, naturally – and rapped his knuckles on it, before asking a team official to contact ESPN to register his dismay.

At least poll results showed that almost no one chose the Garnett option. Perhaps even readers were scared off by the question™s mean-spirited nature.

ESPN should be credited with just a little bit of decorum ; option D, “Fred Smerlas Gets The Clap” was deleted.

Ray Allen leads all scoring with 14 points thus far as Boston leads Chicago, 52-47, midway thru the 3rd quarter at the United Center.

Sorry to still be hung up this “Eddie” nonsense, but after watching Stephon Marbury sulk through another poor showing — and Nate Robinson miss 11 of 16 shots — the Knicks couldn’t do much worse than try and talk Mark Jackson out of retirement.