The St. Louis Post Dispatch’s Dan Caesar, previewing a feature on Cardinals manager Tony La Russa, part of tonight’s “Costas Now” (HBO, 8pm EST).

Perhaps the highlight of the piece is La Russa talking about Mark McGwire and his embarrassing testimony before Congress last spring when it conducted hearings about steroid use in baseball. McGwire refused to œdiscuss the past.

La Russa vigorously has defended McGwire, who played for him in Oakland and St. Louis, and Costas asks La Russa if he has any second thoughts about doing so.

œI wish Mark would call me and thank me, because I™ve been told how much credibility I™ve lost, La Russa says, adding he still believes McGwire bulked up œthe legal way ” through work and nutrition.

La Russa also said he thinks McGwire™s stance about not discussing the past was the result of being told what to say.

œHe got flustered and he kept saying that, when it was a response that was making him look really damaged, La Russa says. œHe got over-coached and got flustered.