We’re hours away from the start of the EPL season and two of the Premiership’s most reliable quote machines, if not most accomplished managers, are already in a foul mood. Chelsea’s Jose Mourinho (above) was interviewed on Sky Sports today and was asked (naturally) about the perception that his club have a massive competitive advantage given what seems to be their unlimited financial resources.

Replied Mourinho,

“Rio Ferdinand, was he free? Wayne Rooney at Manchester United – not free! Thierry Henry at Arsenal? When I heard the numbers of the new deal – was he free? I have this same comment every month, every week, but I forget about it.”

Up north, Manchester United’s Alex Ferguson was equally testy when asked about the remarks of a former colleague. From the Guardian’s Fiver :

Responding to Slippery Peter Kenyon’s comments, made no later than last week, that this season’s winners “would come from a select group of one – Chelsea”, Sir Alex took aim before taking a metaphorical boot to his former colleague’s forehead. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t miss. “You can’t talk like that,” he spluttered, before adding a sly: “Fortunately, it is not someone speaking with any knowledge of the game. Because it is not the manager, you can take it with a pinch of salt. You have to dismiss all other sources.”