Noting that embattled Dodgers owner Frank McCourt (above, left)  is hoping to accept a $150 million bridge loan from J.P. Morgan Chase, along with inviting future TV rights bidding from Time-Warner and Fox, the Los Angeles Times’ Steve Dilbeck warns the above business that anyone offering comfort to McCourt will rue the wrath of LA’s sports fans.  Contrary to the arrive late/leave early reputation held by Chavez Ravine patrons, Dilbeck argues, “they will exact a cost from anyone or thing that attempts to aid McCourt.”

Any company that comes to McCourt’s rescue puts itself at financial risk. The people of Los Angeles are genuinely angry McCourt has dragged the Dodgers into the darkest moment in franchise history.

Chase could feel a bigger loss than $4.5 million if members start pulling funds and placing them in the local credit union. Time Warner best remember there are satellite companies that can provide the same service. Fox has to understand it is only one of several alternatives.

McCourt thought he had plenty of empty seats at Dodger Stadium before? He hasn’t seen anything yet. Dodger fans are heartbroken and angry and in no mood for anything that perpetuates his ownership.

I’m not familiar with this particular newspaper encouraging a public boycott of specific corporations, but if that’s the road the Times would like to go down, d’ya think there’s a small possibility that some of their past or present advertisers might be in business with persons or firms who’ve done as much damage to the world as Frank McCourt?