From the LA Times’ Steve Henson.

Jeff Kent had highly publicized run-ins with Barry Bonds during their six years as Giant teammates, but Sunday they sounded as if they had honorary memberships in a mutual admiration society.

“He’s old, but he can still swing the bat,” Kent said. “Barry’s just trying to hit home runs more than he ever has. He’s trying to launch home runs, and he launched two against us.”

Bonds responded to a question about Kent’s being booed lustily during each at-bat at SBC Park by saying, “There’s no one in this city who can say he didn’t play his butt off here. He was an MVP here. He put up good numbers. [The fans] just want to boo. He’s with the Dodgers. What do you expect?”

Kent says he doesn’t take the booing personally. In fact, he almost enjoys it.

“They are just showing their love,” he said. “These are good fans because they hate the Dodgers. And Dodger fans hate the Giants. It’s good for the game.

“When I see these people individually, they want to give me a big bear hug.”